Community is the state of ongoing give and take, or interdependence, existing among individuals organized for a greater good. It is when and where those individuals possess a measure of mutual responsibility as well as a sense of belonging. A safe space, whether bounded by ideal or geography, for all members to honor self-expression in others while honoring themselves.
Woodfield presents itself to the world as a community where students, teachers and staff are learning and growing together. There is a fundamental magic inherent in the child/adolescent to adult ratio in the range of 10:1. The “realness” of our relationships is the result.
- Real supervision is possible
- Real listening is possible
- Real flexibility in the curriculum is possible
- Real meaning and understanding are possible
- Real talk about the “real world” is possible
- Real acceptance is possible
- Real energy from sunshine, fresh air and movement as fuel for learning is possible
Within Woodfield, there is always something to do because certain things must be done to sustain the community.
When branches need to be pruned around a disc golf target basket, it is natural for one of our older teenaged boys to be asked to cut and haul the excess foliage, and clear the way for the next golfer. It helps this teenager to do heavy work in the fresh air before or between classes. He will stutter less, fidget less and will be able to more easily access his ability and great sense of humor. The branches need to be cleared but more importantly, this student who struggles with sensory integration receives a big pat on the back for completing the task while the therapeutic effect of the heavy work improves his day in school.
- Ongoing give and take
- Mutual responsibility
- Sense of belonging
- Safety to be your true self
There is always something to do…